Can I Tell People Where to Sit at My Wedding Ceremony? Reserved Ceremony Seats
Jim Cerone here, The Perfect Host, with your One Minute Wedding Tips.
Who sits where at your wedding ceremony?
Everyone wants a good seat so they can hear you say your vows and watch you get married! You can reserve the first and second rows for your family and special guests. But it’s helpful if you also reserve actual seats to prevent any hurt feelings.
If you have divorced parents or other family dynamics, you can decide in advance where you want everyone to sit. Then you can have your venue manager, wedding planner or your Perfect Host tape “reserved” note cards with their names to each chair.
That way there’s no question and no discussion – people just find their name and that’s where they sit. Reserved ceremony seats – one less thing for you to worry about!
1 Minute Wedding Tips with Jim Cerone The Perfect Host DJ MC